Brandon Vlog 3 – Do You Play Hard?

Brandon Vlog 3 – Do You Play Hard?

Day 3 Do You Play Hard? So many of us have have been taught to be successful we need to work hard and it’s frowned on us to take breaks or do things we enjoy.  Trust me I’ve heard it from so many people as I have developed my business and to this day I...
Brandon Vlog 2 – Do You Have a Routine?

Brandon Vlog 2 – Do You Have a Routine?

Day 2 the writing has begun It was a great day to write, I wrote for a little over 2 hours yesterday about “I, We and All Principals” and today I’m planning on writing for 30 min to keep the schedule going. I’m still figuring out what to record...
Brandon Vlog 1 – The Journey Begins Are You Ready?

Brandon Vlog 1 – The Journey Begins Are You Ready?

Day 1 of my Video Log  holy crap on a cracker , It has been just over 4 months since I talked about my transition and the changes I had to go through to get where I am today, it has been such a short time.  In just 4 months I have worked with some really amazing...

Thank You CAMP Networking Canada

  What a amazing night last night, I spoke at the Camp Networking Canada event last night, which was an amazing night. The people who attended kept me on my toes, with some really great questions. I like to thank them all for attending and don’t forget to...
Discover the Power & Potential Of Social Media Marketing

Discover the Power & Potential Of Social Media Marketing

Come Ask Any Social Media Marketing Question On August 23rd @ 6:15pm to 8:00pm EST At The North York Civic Centre, 5100 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON – Committee Room #3 Brandon Krieger has been invited to the Communications Advertising and Marketing Professional...