The girl who silenced the world for 6 minutes

[youtube=] Severn Suzuki from ECO (Environmental Children’s Organization) is very inspiring. We all need to take responsibility of what we’re creating. Thanks, Brandon Krieger HLC 1, CMTA, NWS

New Facebook Groups KNSS is working with

Good evening everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been asked by Chaim Alexander CHEK Practitioner Level 1, HLC Level 3 from New York City to assist him and Antonio Valladares a CHEK Practitioner from New York City, with administrating a NEW!!!...

How many CMTA’s are there?

Hi Everyone, hope you are all having a great start of your weekend. I was at dinner with a friend of mine and we were talking about my certifications and he asked me to look up how many CMTA’s there are in Canada. I figured there were lots out there and never...

Life = Risk

Ever wonder where you would be if you never gave up on your dreams? Life is all about choices, which choice are you making...