Really? Are The Answers Right In front Us…

Interesting how at the exact time you need something it is right there for you.  I’m sure we all have heard this from someone at one point in our life. If you ask and listen you will receive the answer, or something along that line. Yesterday I received a tongue...

My Own Personal Challenge- Social Technologies

  Who is up for the Challenge? I’m sitting here late at night doing some market research and wanted to see how one of my keywords were doing, “Social Technologies”.  You can see the results above, let me explain what they mean just to make sure we...

Do You Have Unlimiting Beliefs

Good Morning Everyone, First let me say thank you to all my family and friends who have been amazing in helping me through this transition period. Change is never easy but if you embrace the change, good things will come. Today I would like to thank Nikki Hayes who...

Starting Over Again

WOW it has been a rough week for me, everything in my life has been flipped upside down, work, relationships and finances. Starting over is never easy to do this will be my second time in life where I’ve had to rebuild from scratch. I want to give you a little...

Social Marketing Assessment Special!

I first want to apologize to everyone I don’t like to pitch or promote sales but I have been having several of people send me posts, questions…etc asking to work with me but when I tell them how much I charge they are not able to do it. Most of them...

Free Style Friday Business 101 With Brandon Krieger

Free Style Friday Business 101 with Brandon Krieger Please share this post and comment below. Love & Chi, Brandon “The Twitter Doctor” Krieger HLC, ITIL, PPS Social Technologies Coach, Holistic Lifestyle Coach & Professional Speaker For more information...