Jim Pagiamtzis Founder of 21 Connections

Put this date in your calendar: September 9th from 6pm to 7pm EDT. Then join us at www.knssconsulting.com/live because I will be interviewing Jim Pagiamtzis on air at the KNSS Live Hangout. Here is a little bit about him: Published Author, Speaker and...

Brandon Vlog 40 – Summer Networking Bash 2013

How many of you go to Networking Events? There is a few I support by attending every year. One is the Summer Networking Bash that Jennifer Beale hosts ever year. It’s an amazing event and you meet some amazing people. I was lucky enough to meet up with Jim...

Brandon Interviews Betty Franklin from Let it Begin with Me

In today’s video Brandon interviews Betty Franklin from Let it Begin with Me and published author of “Get Uncomfortable to Succeed GUTS” Here website is http://letitbeginwithme.ca She is an expert in Health and Wellness and is focused on helping...