New Facebook Groups KNSS is working with

Good evening everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been asked by Chaim Alexander CHEK Practitioner Level 1, HLC Level 3 from New York City to assist him and Antonio Valladares a CHEK Practitioner from New York City, with administrating a NEW!!!...

How many CMTA’s are there?

Hi Everyone, hope you are all having a great start of your weekend. I was at dinner with a friend of mine and we were talking about my certifications and he asked me to look up how many CMTA’s there are in Canada. I figured there were lots out there and never...

Why Supplements? Why Now?

[youtube=] Brandon Krieger from KNSS Consulting Group explains why supplementation are needed in your diet. For more information you can e-mail Brandon at or visit KNSS website

Life = Risk

Ever wonder where you would be if you never gave up on your dreams? Life is all about choices, which choice are you making...