The Truth About Business

How many you are currently running your own business? Are you finding that business is more difficult then you expected? Is everyone under the Sun giving you their opinion on how you should run your own business? I’m going to be completely honest with you as I...

What would you call this?

It’s 4:00am in the morning and I just checked my next event I am hosting on June 12, 2011 to see who has registered and saw no one has signed up yet.  First thought that goes through my mind is a little disappointing I know the...

Is Staying Focused Hard?

How hard it is to stay focus Over the past few months it has been harder then ever to stay focused. For example everything that has been happening around me like, the “Rapture/ End of Day’s”, working with clients on Holistic healing, coaching Social...

Brandon Krieger Coaching Live

I was waiting on getting my iPad and iPhone setup to start Coaching Live using Ustream. Guess what I got everything up and going that I have finally decided to do a Live Ustream coaching for everyone to come out and see. Working with people world wide I see there are...