Jim Pagiamtzis Published Author, Speaker and Entrepreneur
Put this date in your calendar: September 9th from 6pm to 7pm EDT. Then join us at www.knssconsulting.com/live because I will be interviewing Jim Pagiamtzis on air at the KNSS Live Hangout.
Here is a little bit about him:
Published Author, Speaker and Entrepreneur Jim Pagiamtzis is the founder of 21 Connections and authorized local expert trainer with Constant Contact. He has articles published online by the Toronto Public Library Small Biz Express, Centennial College, Happen.ca Linking People and Entrepreneurs, How’s Business blog (Staples Business Depot) and Metro Active.org. He also has published printed articles for FedEx Freight Canada (Newsletter) and Centennial College Ascent Magazine. Jim has been on That Channel.com speaking on Networking Success.
In this interview we will be covering:
1. What is the PAR system?
2. What is the difference between online and offline strategies?
3. Why is follow-up so important (yet entrepreneur don’t do it)?
4. Why is it important to have a mentor?
Make sure to put September 9th, 2013 from 6pm to 7pm EDT in your calendar. Then join us at www.knssconsulting.com/live to watch, participate and learn from this interactive interview.
Speak to you then.
- Speaker 80%
- Social Media Services 85%
- Constant Contact 75%
- Author 75%
More About...
Published Author, Speaker and Entrepreneur Jim Pagiamtzis is the founder of 21 Connections & Authorized Local Expert Trainer with Constant Contact., has articles published online by Toronto Public Library Small Biz Express, Centennial College, Happen.ca Linking People and Entrepreneurs