How to Live Your Dreams!

Hi Everyone,

It’s been a while since I wrote an post here but the universe has been helping me live my dreams.  If you don’t know I am currently working 4 jobs at the moment which all tie in together.  First I have my main company KNSS Consulting “Keeping Nutrition & Success Simple” which goes with Carolyn Zepf’s company Ultimate Sports Therapy where I do local consultations with people in the GTA.  Now recently I have a amazing position with which is the North American Editor which is really exciting to me.  Last but not least I work for GoodLife Fitness doing personal training for people in the local Toronto, Etobicoke and Mississauga area.

Now I’m sure you are asking which I have been over the past few weeks why do I have so many jobs/business’s on the go.  My legacy I’m trying to live is to have the ability to educate people worldwide about their health and wellness using these 6 basic principals as guides to optimal health.

1) Thoughts- What you think can affect how healthy your body is. Negative thoughts causes the body to work harder, become more toxic and develops tension in certain areas of the body depending on what your thinking.

2) Breathing – Breathing is essential for life, helps oxygenate the cells, detoxes the body and so much more

3) Drinking – Are bodies are roughly 65% water. We need to drink good quality water to help support our cells so that they can function properly.

4) Eating – Eating Whole foods, the right proteins, carbohydrates, fats for our unique metabolism so that we can help repair damage cells, be active and love life

5) Movement- Knowing How to move is so important to many people in North America are so stressed and working themselves to fatigue because they don’t know how to work out properly. We need movement but have to know what our bodies needs. Working out – Breaks the body down, Working In- Builds up energy, recharges the body. To many people are constantly tired, exhausted from their day and go work out.  It’s important to learn how to exercise properly for your unique lifestyle

6) Sleeping – Last but not least sleep. Sleep is when you repair, if you’re not sleeping properly then your not giving your body the rest it needs to repair from the day and/or any health issues you might be dealing with.

I know people who are building their business’s and are going through the same and this is what I am doing. I went back through my Values, my Legacy and my Goals. Over the next 3 months I am going to start narrow my focus down so I can work on developing myself and giving back.

Love & Chi,

Brandon Krieger H.L.C. level 2, C.M.T.A. ®, N.W.S.




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