Keeping Up with Social Technologies

NEW Free Style Friday’s! Keeping Up with Social Technologies! Starting this Friday I will be doing a New Video and it will be about what ever comes up. It could be questions, new changes in the industry,  rant about something I feel strongly about and much much...

How to Enable and Activate Facebook Timeline Today

How to Enable and Activate Facebook Timeline Today! Today I started my new “Tech Tuesday” since I have been receiving several questions about technologies and how to use them. I wanted to provide as much help as I can. I find the video’s are the best...

Interview With Sean Croxton from Underground Wellness!

Interview with Sean Croxton from Underground Wellness! [youtube=] I was lucky enough today to be able to interview Sean Croxton from Underground Wellness. Sean is a Holistic Lifestyle...

How To Build a Twitter Community Video Training

How To Build a Twitter Community Video Training;;rel=0;showinfo=0 It’s finally here! After months of working with editors, graphic designers I finally figured out that the best way to teach what I know about Twitter is...

New Facebook What do you think?

New Facebook What do you think? Facebook has done it again, they have made so many changes. Let me know what you think about the changes. Comment below Love & Chi, Brandon “The Twitter Doctor” Krieger HLC, ITIL, PPS Social Technologies Coach, Twitter Doctor &...