Brandon “The Twitter Doctor’s” Krieger Camping Experience!

This is not a Social Technologies post more of a personal one to show that all work and no play is just not fun. If anyone knows me personal they will know this was me stepping out my my comfort zone and trying new things.  In no way am I a wilderness type of person...

Are You Socializing on Your Social Network?

Hi Everyone, It’s been a week since I did my last video. Since then several questions keep popping up as I work with people worldwide like; How do I make more money on the Social Networks? How can I build a bigger following? How can I get a higher return on my...

Unresolved Issues

  It’s 5:00am in the morning and I’m having problems sleeping due to there is just so much going on in the world.  So many people are stressed, worried, confused, upset and just feeling things are getting worse. When I talk to people all these unresolved...