by Brandon | Feb 26, 2010
Good morning everyone, It’s been a little while since I posted last. I’ve been working on doing some market research trying to find out how I can better serve people. The funny thing is this, I’ve been getting little to no feed back or I get people...
by Brandon | Feb 10, 2010
I have been doing talks and presentation more frequently over the past few months. One question keeps coming up which is really made me think. “Show me your system works!” That has really got me thinking I have some great testimonials on my website....
by Brandon | Jan 28, 2010
Meeting people all over the world and discussing their challenges I find one issue keeps standing out, lack of energy. I can sympathize with these people because I use to work in IT and found myself tired all the time. I would workout, train in Martial Arts but still...
by Brandon | Jan 25, 2010
Sitting here on Sunday January 24th, just finished reviewing a marketing course that I completed 6 months ago. I realized that my website and marketing was not following my dreams of how I want to help people. I realized that when I first initially setup my...