Good morning everyone,
I’m just starting day 3 of my weight loss challenge and wanted to give you guys my day 2 journal, exercise program and how yesterday went.
Yesterday was a great morning I was able to get a lot done due to how I have setup my work schedule.
Monday/Wednesdays at Vision Fitness in Mississauga Ontario at 8am to 11am then I break for lunch from 11am to 4pm and work from 4pm to 8pm at night.
Tuesday/Thursday 10am to 11am Home office working with my international clients.
Then at Ultimate Sports Therapy from 1pm to 6pm
Friday’s at Vision Fitness from 8am to 11am the rest of the day off
off Saturday and Sunday unless by special appointment
I have setup my schedule this way so I have lots of time to study, workout and have time to relax.
Yesterday I had to go by Vision fitness to pick up a clients blood draw for their sensitivity test they were doing for me. I’m still trying to setup connections with labs in the area to be able to draw due to the M.R.T. sensitivity (Mediator Release Test CLICK HERE for more information) test is requisitioned from an American doctor and I’m in Toronto Ontario which the labs have a challenge getting authorization to draw the blood. One lab that I’m starting to build a relationship with is Gamma -Dynacare labs they have been so helpful. But most of my morning was spent trying to get my clients blood drawn and then shipped to the lab in Florida. Which I was able to do and have now setup a system on how to do it for next time.
The reason why I tell you this is because you will see on my food journal there was about a 5 hour gap between breakfast and lunch. Which as soon as I had a chance I ran home made some sandwiches quick and had to run to get treated at Ultimate Sports Therapy as well see a client.
While at Vision Fitness I was able to get a work out in which was
-Stretching routine page 88 to 97 from Paul Chek’s Book “How to Eat Move and Be Healthy“
3 sets of 10 reps of Mackenzie press-ups
3 sets of 10 reps 10 second hold per each rep of 4 point tummy vacuums
2 sets of 10 reps of static lunges
Here is my food Journal for Day 2 Tuesday July 28th 2009
I would like thank everyone for their comments and through this challenge if there is any questions that you have about why I’m doing anything I’m doing through this challenge please let me know. I would be happy to answer and all questions.
I will also be doing a video tomorrow on Youtube so if you have any topics you would like me to cover let me know.
Have a great day everyone and speak to you tomorrow 🙂