Good morning everyone
Today is day 14 of my 33 Day challenge 19 more days to go. I want to keep some things in mind this is not your typical weight loss program I’m not doing any caloric restrictions or going to restrict myself to the point I can’t have anything. My rule is 80% eat as best as you can and 20% of the time throw caution to the wind. If you want to drink alcohol, eat pizza, wings…etc go a head. Just make sure you get back on track. For example you will see on Day 13 I had a 20% day at night I went to Kombat Arts BBQ and Spare Ribs, Chicken and a Samosa. Then I had chips, Popcorn, Ginger ale, Root Beer watching the UFC 101 on Saturday.
***Just a side note you wouldn’t see alcohol on my lists at anytime, this is not because I don’t like it, it’s because my body doesn’t. I have a sensitivity to alcohol that makes me break out in red patches all over my body the more alcohol I drink. Like I said I will be getting a sensitivity test hopefully before the 19 days are over just trying to raise enough funds together. I’m telling you this so if you link to drink and are trying to lose weight don’t feel bad just do the 80/20 rule. Cut it out through the week and on weekends when you go out drink and eat lots of protein while you drink. This will help slow down how fast you metabolize the sugar and how fast you get intoxicated.***
So this weekend was pretty good I’m feeling a lot better since I was sick last weekend. I did get in 1 workout on Friday since I felt better.
I have a heavy duty bands from Twist Conditioning that I use to do some of my workouts at home. For more information about where to get them you can contact me at
here is my work out.
1 set 10 reps McKenzie Press ups
1 set 10 reps 4 point tummy vacuums
This below was done in a circuit routine
12 reps bench press off an exercise ball using the bands ( Note Don’t do this unless you know what your doing almost gave myself a concussion)
12 reps bicep curls using the band
12 reps tricep pull downs
10 reps Reverse Hyperextensions off an exercise ball.
I did this circuit 3 times no rest between each exercise. 30 second rest after all 4 exercises were completed for a total of 3 rounds.
*** VERY IMPORTANT!!!! DO NOT try these exercises alone unless you have at least 1 year of consistent training or you are qualified as a personal training. The reason why I say this is because I make mistakes of not securing the band properly and band coming back on me and hitting me in the back of the head. I had my Girlfriend with me who is a Certified Athletic Therapist while I was training and she showed me a different way of securing the band. We all can make mistakes like I did, I just want to make sure you train safe with no injuries.
Here are my food Journals for Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
If you click on the food journals it will open up so you can see them better. I know a few people have been asking me and I have updated previous ones to do the same. I will be posting 14 food journals in total to show you examples of my food journals. I don’t ask for more then 14 days from my clients this way I can see what their eating and help them fine tune their eating habits, ratio of protein to carbohydrates to fats and make sure they stay on track.
If you would like to ask me any questions you can contact me on twitter at
I really appreciate any feed back due to I want to make sure this is benefiting you. As well if you would like me to add any other information please feel free to ask.