How many CMTA’s are there?

Hi Everyone, hope you are all having a great start of your weekend. I was at dinner with a friend of mine and we were talking about my certifications and he asked me to look up how many CMTA’s there are in Canada. I figured there were lots out there and never thought twice about it when I took the course. I just finishing looking it up and found out this; I’m 1 out of 15 Certified Metabolic Typing® advisor’s in Canada and 1 out of 7 in Toronto.

This just shows that we as health professionals and holistic people have to get out there. Help educate people on how to eat properly and get healthy. I ask that you to spread the word and let people know they should be eating right for their Metabolic Type.



Brandon Krieger HLC 1, CMTA, NWS

1 Comment

  1. Hannah

    Great blog and hope to have time soon to come back and read some more! xx


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