Thank you for joining the KNSS Cybesecurity support community. My hope is that we will provide you all the Cybersecurity knowledge and support that you will need to protect you, your business, your friends and family members.
To get access to the community, please fill out the form below and you will add you to the community in the within the next 12 hours, so please keep an eye on your email.
The KNSS Cybersecurity support Community is going to be growing, and we are excited to provide:
- Weekly Meetings
- Private support community
- Monthly 60 minute One on One Skype consultations ~ coming Soon
- Articles and videos on cybersecurity news, how to’s…etc
- Support ticketing system will be ~ coming soon
All for $1 for the first 7 days for you to try out the community and take advantage of the massive benefits of being part of the community. After the 7 day trial, the price will go up to only $97 per month right now. As the community grows the price will go up for any new members and rest assure you will stay at the $97 per month for as long as you want.
Our goal is to provide the best cybersecurity support in a cost-effective way to help you protect yourself, your family and your business.
All we ask is that you use the community to your advantage and ask as many questions and/or concerns you have. Also, share with your family, friends and colleagues so we can help protect them as well.
We look forward to working with you and providing you Cybersecurity support.
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